Category: Healthy Toys

Ms Mickens Sews Again!!

Yvonne Cowboy School


So, Ms Mickens of Battle Creek Central continues to move Twinzy forward with each new prototype.  Following are more pictures of the various models we are experimenting with.  A few of the details are still being worked out at the print shop for the final details but the day when kits and dolls will be available on Etsy is steadily approaching.


Viv and Cowboy PrototypeViv and Mary PrototypeViv and Rabbit Prototype

Our lovely daughter was kind enough to take a break from Sunday morning festivities with “Tangled” and word puzzles to indulge my long overdue blog post photo op request. These models are black and white and the idea is to also add a limited run with original colors pre printed as well.  For those more inclined to DIY they can purchase a kit or a finished doll and sew and/or color it themselves.  For that intrepid bunch please be sure to use child safe paints and share your creations by sending us pictures of the process and final product!


Mari Richards’ Puppet Show (and Tell)

7 Super Fun DIY Sock Puppets


DIY Classic Sock Puppets

I dis­tinctly remem­ber a phase of my younger years when pup­pets were the only thing I wanted to make. There were mar­i­onettes and reg­u­lar pan­cake pup­pets, a foam ball head with arms and sticks à la The Mup­pets. And, of course, there were sock pup­pets. Unfor­tu­nately, they were made from really worn out 1980s socks.

It’s clear craft­ing has come a long way since 1985. You can even buy a pre-fab craft kit filled with fresh, clean, brightly col­ored socks and lots of crafty bits. But I think we’re all itch­ing to make our own versions—to heck with pre-fab, I want to pick my mate­ri­als myself. I also love find­ing crafts that you can get cre­ative with after the craft is done—time for a pup­pet show!

Handmade Charlotte Contributor Mari Richards

Meet The Contributor

Mari Richards is a shiny object addict, closet pianist, and all around creative-type. With 400+ designs and 30+ indus­try awards, she is a free­lance prod­uct designer and a design blog­ger at Small for Big.


Celebrating 2 years!!!


Eco-Friendly Mama: Safe product recommendations with a focus on organic and Made in USA!

Today is the 2 year anniversary of launching this page!!! I woke up on 2/22/12 & decided to start a page to vent my frustrations related to birthday shopping for my son’s upcoming 1st B-day and finding many of the items I was picking up in the stores to be made in China. I figured maybe other parents could benefit from the research I was already doing, and sharing that info just made sense. I will share an interview below which explains a little more about me, and the catalysts for this page for those who aren’t already familiar with the info. Mainly, the catalysts were Johnson & Johnson & their toxic baby products, and Melissa & Doug toys made in China. I’m so proud of this page, the great co-admin I have (who has been here a year now!), and the great, caring, considerate, very well educated community we…

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Printing Progress to Co Creative Etsy Success!

Miss Mary for You!
Saddle Up!
Saddle Up!



Wabbit Season?
Wabbit Season?

I have been exploring co creation with customers I decided the time was now to launch the first Twinzy product. Co creation has been a focal point from the very beginning of the refounding of the Twinzy brand and the commitment will continue as we launch more characters and media.

These three characters will be the first to be sold on Etsy as kits.  These kits will include the character art in black and white printed with 100% safe soy ink on organic cotton and hemp muslin, organic cotton stuffing, and organic cotton thread.

Photos of the original art work in color are available in the gallery for reference but we encourage our customers to make the dolls their own and then share the results with us so we can post them on the blog for others to enjoy.

The materials have been ordered and the final touches for the silkscreens in progress.   The link to the Etsy store will be available when the first 22 kits are available.

I will also be providing a code for the first two people to place orders when the site goes live.  If they are able to get 10 friends to place orders using the same code they will receive a 50% coupon for their next purchase!

Thanks to our daughter for helping with the pictures posted above.

Enjoy the week and let us know what you think of our plans.


Navigating Through the World of Plastics

Nice to know that we can have safe plastic producst. Lincoln logs are fun but Lego’s are too:)

Eco-Friendly Mama: Safe product recommendations with a focus on organic and Made in USA!

by Jolene Marty
Co-Admin Eco-Friendly baby/family products Made in the USA


There are many wonderful advancements in our world that have been made possible with the introduction of plastics. Many medical devices and lifesaving tools are made from plastic and they have most certainly made our lives more convenient. There is a plastic option, often times disposable, for almost anything. Plastic is durable with its strength being impressive enough to make moms and dads everywhere happy to use them for sippy cups and toys that get thrown across the room, and trust in it enough to keep our children safe in their car seats. Unfortunately in the quest to make things fast, cheap, convenient, and the impossible actually possible (like in medical equipment), companies have put our health on the back burner in order to achieve these things.

Plastic is a synthetic material made from a wide range of organic…

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